Work With Me
Private and Group Coaching
Private Coaching
If you are feeling inspired to change to change big and to focus on exactly what you need to focus on right now, private coaching may be for you.
Together we will craft a coaching package that suits your needs. Weekly chats, daily messaging, food guidance, organizational info, spiritual focus – whatever you need we can do it. A Connection call will let us know where to start. Click below to find a time that works for you xo
Coaching Process
Every client's coaching process is different.
If you've tried a one size fits all program and found that you need more, this is where you'll find that.
Generally, my coaching relationships begin with weekly phone calls or video chats.
We talk about what you want to change, and set a reasonable course to change it.
We focus on one, maybe two things at a time.
If you are feeling especially motivated, we step that up in the beginning, with the understanding that life will eventuallly get in the way of that.
When something isn't working, we change it.
If you think you want to work on cutting out sugar, but find that is making you miserable, we bring back sugar. But maybe we look at ways to do that to a lesser extent – and we definitely take away any guilt or blame around eatiing it.
We keep in contact via messages when things are tough.
Maybe you llike a little homework. Maybe that doesn't work for you.
We figure it out together and build on basics to suit your needs.
Deciding If This Is Right For You
Is Private Coaching right for you, or would Group Coaching be a better fit?
Private coaching usually gets to the root of things sooner. We focus on exactly what you need, when you need it in a way that we can't in a group program.
We focus on habits – buildingon each day to make your best choices.
You get more access to me than you would in a Group Program.
Does that sound like somehting you've been looking for, or even waiting for?
What You'll Learn
You will learn how to find peace with food and with you. With your body.
You will learn that joy isn't something you should be waiting for until you have the perfect body.
You will learn how to make that happen, with support, and then independantly.
Private coaching means we design a program specifically for your needs.
Do you need to check in weekly, daily, monthly?
Are phone calls good, or do you prefer written messages?
Are you looking for someone to hold your hand, or just touch base?
Schedule a Peace with Food chat and we can work all of that out and find a support level that works with your budget xo

2. Group Coaching
Habits, habits, habits
Habits and practice are the foundation of any change. Here we choose a single habit to focus on during a 2 week period before moving on to the next one.
Habits range from Eating how's, to Eating what's, Sleep, Mindfullness and lots more.
Click here to pre-register and be notified when the next Habits, habits, habits program will run.
Hold on For the Holidays
This group program focuses on the intensity of the Holiday Season and the challenges that come along with it.
Accountability, mindfullness and of course, a habit focus for each week.
We will meet as a group via video chat each week and have a facebook-like group support page.
A private coaching call is included, additional calls availalble at a discount.
Pre – Registering Now!
Our next Hold on for the Holidays Program runs from December 7th – January 17th, 2020
Pre-registration cost $350
Click here to register and additonal details xo
A short 5 day group reset program.
We focus on removing some common sensitive foods and adding in lots of good stuff!
Meal plan options, recipes, daily motivation and a facebook group. 30 minute private call included.
Winter Reset Program runs February 1 -5th. Cost : $93
Pre-Register and receive 15% discount
Click here to Pre-Register
Pricing and Registration Links
Habits, habits, habits – February 8th – 14th – $300
Pre-register for 2020 Hold on for the Holidays 5 day Reset! $80
Pre-register for 2020 Hold on for the Holidays 5 Weeks Support Program $300
Pre-register for Reset and the Support Programs Together